Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FIre (305-363)

In the first task, the champions have to get a golden egg that is being protected by a dragon. First, Cedric goes and gets the egg in 15 minutes. Next, Veela goes and she takes longer, getting it at 18 minutes. Viktor goes next and gets the egg at 10 minutes, surpasing everyone. Harry had gotten advice from Proffesor Moody to use his broomstick, so Hermione taught him "Acacio Firebolt" which brings his Firebolt to him, Harry wins the task, getting the egg in under8 minutes. But because the dragon scraped him, he lost some points and is tied with Viktor. Ron then realizes that Harry did not intend to compete and apologizes.

Throughout school, kids are showing Harry support, especially his House, Gryffindor. Everyone praises him, including Ron. Everyone except Malfoy and his crew have given up on the fact that Harry doesn't deserve to be there. Now, Harry focuses on avoiding Hermione's new obsession, fighting for the house elve's freedom. Him and Ron find it annoying and often change topics when Hermione brings it up, or they criticize her. Everything seems to be getting back to normal for Harry, finally.

Response: YAYA go Harry!!!!!!!!! and good for you Ron, and JK ROWLING!! i knew she wouldn't do that lol really like that chapter, and yeah that was one chapter. i hope the next challenge is as cool or cooler than this one because that was really tite. also liked that harry and cedric are so supportive of one another.....maturity, gotta love it. this book is living up to the expectations that i had for it, i swear they just keep getting better as the books move on and the pages keep turning, don't know why it took me so long to realize my love for the HP!

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