Sunday, May 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FIre (pages 464-510)

Okay so at the end of the first task, the champions had an egg which they retrieved from the dragon. Fudge states that the egg is the clue to the next tast, but no one really knows what that means. With the article being published and a bunch of other crap going on for harry, he puts it aside. Cedric mentions that it needs to be wet, but he ignores that for a while too. He eventually listens to cedric and takes it to the prefect washroom and puts it underwater. The clue basically says that the next tast, champions will have to retrieve a special item to them from underwater and it will be protected by mermaids.

Harry has no idea how to stay underwater for that long and him and Ron and Hermione stay up all night the day before the task looking for answers. Hermione and Ron later are summoned by Professor MacGonnell and Harry is left alone. He wakes up fifteen minutes before the task starts by Dobby. Dobby hands him seaweed and harry darts for the lake where the task is. He eats his seaweed and notices that he gets gills and a slimy hard skin.

He goes underwater and is the first to reach the mermaid kingdom. He sees Ron, Hermione, Cho, and Luna tied up. He keeps trying to help the others but mermaids keep poking him. VIktor and Cedric come by, Viktor taking Hermione and Cedric Cho. When Fleur never shows up, Harry fights the mermaids and eventually gets Ron and Luna in his possession. He floats to the top now gill-less and almost out of air. Because of what Harry did to help others, he is awarded the most points and is now tied at the the top with Cedric.

Cool task, i loved how he had to rescue ron and hermione, that was funny that no one else had the heart to help out the others too. And way to go Dobby, you da man you little house elf!

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