Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FIre (1-50)

THe book begins in a different setting then usual, it follows an old man as he tries to stop a burglary of the house he gardens for. He walks into the empty house, creeps upstairs and begins to overhear a conversation. A weak man is talking about how he is planning to come back to a frightened perosn called WOrmtail, who seems to be there not by his own wishes. THey notice the old man, bring him in, and then kill him. Just then Harry wakes up screaming in pain.

Back at the Dursley's, Dudley has beeen forced to go on a diet, so Harry's friends keep sending him candy. THey eventually come to get Harrry to take him to the Quiditch World Cup. THey come through the fireplace using Floof and break parts of the living room. Fred and Georgre then "accidentally" drop cand and don't pick it all up knowing that DUdley, thirsty for sugar would take them. The scene ends with Dudley's tongue getting huge...the candy had a jinz on it.

Response: COuldn't wait to start reading this one, everyone always tells me that it is the best, so I can't wait to dive right in.

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